trouble logging in to hotmail/other sites



I am not able to log in to hotmail through internet explorer 6, although I
can log in through netscape on the same machine. I can log in to hotmail
from other machines, also. I get a plain white screen with "done" at the
bottom after I type in my user name and password. Norton says I have no
viruses, and I run 2 other programs for spyware, which find nothing. I have
even attempted to uninstall and reinstall IE 6, that has not helped. I had
one computer support person tell me my java plugin was bad, I reinstalled
java, and that hasn't helped either. This is my work computer, and the
problem has been present for months. I also recently tried to login to the
state comptroller website for a work-related project. I was not able to
login, and the comptroller's office was able to tell me that the problem was
on my machine, but they have no suggestion for fixing the problem. Any
suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Arthur S Rogerson

With 30 million users, a little bit of technical difficulty can go a long

Microsoft's MSN Hotmail lost the use of a server this morning, shutting what
the company termed a "small percentage" of users out of their accounts.

"We're working to fix it," said Hotmail product manager Laura Norman. "We're
beginning to bring it back online right now and will have it fully restored
in next couple of hours."

One Hotmail user reported hours-long delays in receiving email through her
account, but Norman said the server outage did not affect mail delivery,
only account access.

With 30 million registered users, Hotmail leads the pack of Web-based email
providers. That extraordinary volume also means technical problems can wind
up affecting hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of email exchanges.

Hotmail last month suffered mail delivery delays and also a glitch that
flooded Internet service providers with multiple copies of email.


I have been having Hotmail problems for a week now and it is
frustrating. (1) Blank with 'done' displayed to several actions like
reply, or forward, or even opening the mail. (2) spin and time out (3)
server busy messages. I sent an email complaint. A 'Sridhar' replied
(form-letter type reply), apologizing for Hotmail, that there is a
server problem they are working hard to fix. Some workarounds were to
keep doing a refresh every time it fails. Log in via rather
than using messenger or is another workaround. Bottom line
it does not work in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening or
night even late at night. AOL had these kind of performance problems
around 1995-1996 time frame. I am losing a lot of productivity, not
able to send email or respond to many colleagues in a timely way.

PA Bear

MSN/Hotmail and .NET Passport should be treated as Secure Sites.

Troubleshooting Secure Sites (WinXP/IE6 SP2)

Troubleshooting Secure Sites (WinXP/IE6 SP1);en-us;813444

Sandi's Secure Sites Page

(Courtesey of MVP Mike Burgess) Several of these are known to cause

1) Zone Alarm Pro [Private Header Info - enabled?] Reset "Ad Blocking" and
"Cookie Control" to "medium" "Mobile Code Control" = Off

2) Symantec (ISS\NIS) [Enable Browser Privacy - enabled] Active Content -
"Allow All Scripts To Execute" Problem: some sites cannot detect the 128 bit
encryption Solution: Completely remove and reinstall NIS.

3) Any "ad blocking" software that blocks "http_referer" or contains entries
that are blocking access to the desired site.

4) HOSTS file that contains entries that are blocking access to the desired

5) Cookie blocking software that are blocking "required" Cookies.

6) Pop-up blockers that are stripping header\url info.

7) WebWasher Standard Filter/URL Filter

8) Make sure the following entry is not corrupt:

Settings] "User Agent"="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Win32)"

Note: "Win32" = Windows 98\ME Other versions = (compatible; MSIE 6.0;
Windows NT 5.0;)


Hotmail Getting "Server Busy"? You're in a LOWER Svc Tier!!!


Re: Hotmail crappy response times (for some address and not others).

I have proved this to myself by doing repeated tests on multiple e-mail

address. The newer ones, with less e-mail archived, are prone to slower

response times, "server busy" or not available msgs, regression to the
old Times New Roman pages, and page not found msgs.

This is NO LONGER a theory! It is fact! Go ahead, if you've got
multiple accounts that fit the bill, see what I mean!

And you know, it may make a degree of sense (to MSN). If you've got
constrained resources (which clearly they've got), give more machine
time to those who use the service more frequently. And how do you tell
who to give more machine time to? The accounts with a larger amount of
stored mail AND anyone paying a premium, that's who! And you get some
kind of bonus for the amount of time you've had the account (not
exactly sure how this factors in).

I dare someone from Microsoft to refute this. If it's not the case, it
runs counter to the evidence. This need to shuffle and play favorites
with certain IDs would go away if someone would just cough up a couple
million for much needed hardware upgrades. Bill?



PA said:
MSN/Hotmail and .NET Passport should be treated as Secure Sites.


Listen, PA Bear, I know you've read my post. Well? Given what I have
experienced (see my post), your suggestions are completely meaningless.
Let me summarize: I have multiple accounts. The newest ones with less
saved mail DO experience the timeouts and server busy messages and
crappy service. The older IDs, with tons of saved mail, DO NOT. The
testing I've done involves logging into and out of these IDs across the
span of 1 or 2 minutes. The troubles are somehow related to the IDs.
Certain IDs experience the crappy service and others don't. Go back and
re-read my post. Oh, and my note to "Bill" wasn't meant to be taken
seriously. Your "there's nobody from Microsoft here" taken in
conjunction with your lame suggestions tells me you are either a PLANT
who realizes I am onto something OR you're incredibly stupid. Or both.

Defend yourself - refute my evidence. Stop ignoring it.

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