Trouble installing an old floppy program



I have an old (1996) program that used to be installed on my PC
(WinXP). Now, it won't run. So I tried to reinstall it and it won't
install. So, I tried to install it on another WinXP computer ond had
no problem. I have ruled out the floppy drive and cable (laptop) as
the problem. When I insert the floppy in my drive, it reads it fine.
I'm thinking something in the Registry is awry. I have even copied the
files to my hard drive and tried ti install it from there. No luck.
Can anyone help me? Thank you.


Hmm, doesn't make a lot of sense.....

right click on the install file, drag it to your desktop, create shortcut.
Right click the shortcut, choose properties, change the compatibility mode
to windows 98


Hmm, doesn't make a lot of sense.....

right click on the install file, drag it to your desktop, create shortcut.
Right click the shortcut, choose properties, change the compatibility mode
to windows 98

Thanks, but it didn't work. I double click in setup.exe and nothing
happens. It's as if I didn't click on it at all.

Bill Sharpe

Thanks, but it didn't work. I double click in setup.exe and nothing
happens. It's as if I didn't click on it at all.

Please identify the program you are trying to install. You say it used
to be installed on your PC. I assume it worked at that time. Did you
uninstall the program properly? Have you searched the registry for any
entries that include the program's name?



Please identify the program you are trying to install. You say it used
to be installed on your PC. I assume it worked at that time. Did you
uninstall the program properly? Have you searched the registry for any
entries that include the program's name?


The Program is InfoSelect 3. I haven't uninstalled the program. Haen't
searched the Registry because I'm concerned about removing something
needed or, in general, screwing up the Registry. Whats' the best way
to search the Registry (key words) and decide what to remove? Thanks.

Bill Sharpe

The Program is InfoSelect 3. I haven't uninstalled the program. Haen't
searched the Registry because I'm concerned about removing something
needed or, in general, screwing up the Registry. Whats' the best way
to search the Registry (key words) and decide what to remove? Thanks.

A search at the Micro Logic site tells me InfoSelect 3 is six versions
back and is no longer supported. Perhaps you can upgrade to a later
version. Perhaps if you agree to purchase an upgrade Micro Logic may be
able to assist you with getting rid of the old version.

If you haven't uninstalled the program, see if there is an entry in the
Add/Remove Programs applet in Control Panel that will let you remove it.
Then reinstall it.

Plan B: If you aren't familiar with editing the registry I'd steer clear
of that approach. However, if you wish to proceed, make a backup of the
registry before you do anything else. I'd search for any registry keys
with Infoselect in the name and delete them.



A search at the Micro Logic site tells me InfoSelect 3 is six versions
back and is no longer supported. Perhaps you can upgrade to a later
version. Perhaps if you agree to purchase an upgrade Micro Logic may be
able to assist you with getting rid of the old version.

The newer version is very expensive and I really don't need it. All I
want to do is get the data from the version I have and put it in
another database type program. But I can't get at the data without
being able to run the program.
If you haven't uninstalled the program, see if there is an entry in the
Add/Remove Programs applet in Control Panel that will let you remove it.
Then reinstall it.

The program doesn't show up there.
Plan B: If you aren't familiar with editing the registry I'd steer clear
of that approach. However, if you wish to proceed, make a backup of the
registry before you do anything else. I'd search for any registry keys
with Infoselect in the name and delete them.

I'm familiare with editing the Registry and know how to make complete
backups. However, I couldn't find any references to Infoselect.

It's strange that I can install the program on my wife's computer and
it was once installed on miy computer. Any other ideas?

Bill Sharpe

The newer version is very expensive and I really don't need it. All I
want to do is get the data from the version I have and put it in
another database type program. But I can't get at the data without
being able to run the program.

It's strange that I can install the program on my wife's computer and
it was once installed on miy computer. Any other ideas?

The 2007 version has an annual subscription option that only costs $45.

Can you network your two computers, run the program from you wife's
machine, and access the data that way? Or copy the data to a USB stick,
CD, or floppy, then move it to her computer?



The 2007 version has an annual subscription option that only costs $45.

Can you network your two computers, run the program from you wife's
machine, and access the data that way? Or copy the data to a USB stick,
CD, or floppy, then move it to her computer?

Yes, that is my only option if I can't get the program running again on
my PC. I'm just stubborn and would like to figure out why it ran at
one time and I can't reinstall it.


Can you install "any" program?

I'm wondering if the problem might not be a billouxed executable association
on this machine....
Don't know - I don't have any other programs to install. What is
billouxed executable association?

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