Trouble inserting Kodachrome slides


Patti W.

I'm using Power Point 2002 for Windows XP.

I've scanned some Kodachrome slides using Nikon' coolscan V. I can only
save the file in TIF format and I can view the scanned picture on my hard
drive. Everything looks great. However, when I try to insert the scanned
slide into PowerPoint, the slide inserts correctly and looks good. I save
the presentation and close out of the program. When I re-open PowerPoint,
all my scanned slides are darkened just as if you were holding the slide in
your hand without a slide viewer. In other words, PowerPoint does not
retain the colorful image of my scanned slide at all. All of my scanned
photographs look correct in the presentation.

Has anyone used Kodachrome slides in a presentation successfully? What am I
doing wrong?


Steve Rindsberg

I've scanned some Kodachrome slides using Nikon' coolscan V. I can only
save the file in TIF format and I can view the scanned picture on my hard
drive. Everything looks great. However, when I try to insert the scanned
slide into PowerPoint, the slide inserts correctly and looks good.

What exact steps do you follow to insert the image into PowerPoint?

Is Nikon's Coolscan applying any color management to the images? That will
work in some photoediting programs like Photoshop but PPT doesn't do CM; that
could account for the problem.

See if you can turn Color Management off in CoolScan

I save

Patti W.

Thanks, Steve. You're right. But what PPT does allow me to do which I just
figured out is that I can insert my slide with CM, right click to Save as
Picture, then save as a JPEG File with Interchange Format. I then delete my
scanned slide with CM from the PPT presentation and insert the JPEG file.
For some reason, this works and I have no problems. It's tedious, but it


Steve Rindsberg

Thanks, Steve. You're right. But what PPT does allow me to do which I just
figured out is that I can insert my slide with CM, right click to Save as
Picture, then save as a JPEG File with Interchange Format. I then delete my
scanned slide with CM from the PPT presentation and insert the JPEG file.
For some reason, this works and I have no problems. It's tedious, but it

I'm a bit confused. We seem to be using "CM" to mean different things.

What I'd suggest to avoid the tedium and extra steps is NOT to insert images
from your software directly into PPT.

Instead, do your scans using the scanner software directly;
Save the scanned images as JPG files
NOW start PPT and use Insert, Picture, From File to bring in the JPGs

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