Trouble creating a summary slide in PPT 2003


Mike Goodman

I'm tryinig to create a slide that summarizes some of the titles in my
presentation. I followed the instructions to go to Slide Sorter view, select
the slides, and then click the Summary Slide button. But theSummary Slide
button is not enabled -- I can't click it! Am I doing something wrong?


Shyam Pillai

The summary slide feature in PowerPoint generates the summary slide on the
basis of title present on the slide. The only two slide layouts which don't
have this is the Blank Layout and the Large object layout. Hence, if you use
either of these layout in the slide and include it in the selection to
generate a
summary slide, the option will be disabled. One way of circumventing it
is to apply a different slide layout or create a custom macro which
generates the summary slide as you desire.

Kathryn Jacobs

In addition to Shyam's wonderful advice, you should also know that there
have been problems reported when
1) No text is in the title place holder
2) The titles have punctuation in them (I know that commas can cause
problems, can't remember what else does)

If you don't want a slide to show its title, put the title in the
placeholder, then drag the placeholder off of the slide.
Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft PPT MVP
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