


Hello -

We received an error message yesterday from NAV that we
were infected with the trojan.byteverify virus. And that
NAV was unable to repair the file (and access to file was
denied). Strange, because we keep everything up-to-date
and perform regular virus scans. But nonetheless....

So I did everything the Symantec web site recommended
(turning off System Restore, doing a deep scan in safe
mode, etc.) and it found nothing. The activity logs list
that the virus was found and indicate that it was unable
to repair, etc., but then it never shows up in the
scans. What gives?

I was having other difficulties (see below) that I was
hoping were related and might fix themselves with this.
Needless to say, they didn't. Anyone else experience
anything like this? Thanks for any help you can provide.
Using Windows XP Home Edition. In file folders (e.g. "My
Documents", "My Pictures") the menu (e.g. "File", "Edit",
Vies") and the tool bar (e.g. "back", "refresh") have
disappeared. Completely.

These are still visible within individual programs (e.g.
Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word), when applicable.

Gateway telephone support says it must be a virus and
there is nothing to be done about it. Back everything up
and "write zeroes to the drive". This can't be!

I maintain the computer well -- Norton Systemworks that I
run very regularly, etc. I run a pretty tight ship.

So what gives? Please tell me the Gateway guy was wrong
and there is something to be done!

Let me know if you need more information. Appreciate any


Had this happen to me a little while ago. Followed all
the steps too and no virus thank goodness. With NAV,
check your quarantine area (think it's under Reports) and
see what files have been moved there. You may have NAV
configured to automatically try to repair and then
quarantine if that's not possible. So, you won't see them
if you run another scan. That's where 4 infected (and
then quarantined) files were located on my machine.
Symantec indicates on their site that it should be okay to
delete the files that were quarantined in the Removal

Now, the Toolbar on Windows Explorer, your registry
settings may have been changed somehow. Check this site
for help:

Below is part of that website:

Registry Settings
User Key:
System Key:
Value Name: NoFileMenu
Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Value Data: (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)

You can go into the registry with regedit and go to these
keys to see if the NoFileMenu value is set to 1 or not (if
a value exists, sounds like it does). Should be able to
set it to 0 and have the menu come back up.

Hope that works.


Ah, thank you for the suggestions. I should have
mentioned in my earlier post that the files were not in
quarantine, either. They appear to have disappeared. I
even went to where they were supposed to have been
located and couldn't find any trace of them there,
either. I'd like to just be satisfied that they are
cleaned and gone, but am nervous that they might be
lurking somewhere....

On the second suggestion -- thanks so much. I went
through that process and didn't find any "NoFileMenu"
value. Do you think I should CREATE one and then set it
to 0? At this point things are so screwed up (v.
frustrating to have no control in folders) that I don't
see how I could make it worse? Ah, of course I could.
Who am I kidding?

Thanks so much for your help!

-----Original Message-----
Had this happen to me a little while ago. Followed all
the steps too and no virus thank goodness. With NAV,
check your quarantine area (think it's under Reports) and
see what files have been moved there. You may have NAV
configured to automatically try to repair and then
quarantine if that's not possible. So, you won't see them
if you run another scan. That's where 4 infected (and
then quarantined) files were located on my machine.
Symantec indicates on their site that it should be okay to
delete the files that were quarantined in the Removal

Now, the Toolbar on Windows Explorer, your registry
settings may have been changed somehow. Check this site
for help:

Below is part of that website:

Registry Settings
User Key:
System Key:
Value Name: NoFileMenu
Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Value Data: (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)

You can go into the registry with regedit and go to these
keys to see if the NoFileMenu value is set to 1 or not (if
a value exists, sounds like it does). Should be able to
set it to 0 and have the menu come back up.

Hope that works.
-----Original Message-----
Hello -

We received an error message yesterday from NAV that we
were infected with the trojan.byteverify virus. And that
NAV was unable to repair the file (and access to file was
denied). Strange, because we keep everything up-to- date
and perform regular virus scans. But nonetheless....

So I did everything the Symantec web site recommended
(turning off System Restore, doing a deep scan in safe
mode, etc.) and it found nothing. The activity logs list
that the virus was found and indicate that it was unable
to repair, etc., but then it never shows up in the
scans. What gives?

I was having other difficulties (see below) that I was
hoping were related and might fix themselves with this.
Needless to say, they didn't. Anyone else experience
anything like this? Thanks for any help you can provide.
======================================================== ==
Using Windows XP Home Edition. In file folders (e.g. "My
Documents", "My Pictures") the menu (e.g. "File", "Edit",
Vies") and the tool bar (e.g. "back", "refresh") have
disappeared. Completely.

These are still visible within individual programs (e.g.
Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word), when applicable.

Gateway telephone support says it must be a virus and
there is nothing to be done about it. Back everything up
and "write zeroes to the drive". This can't be!

I maintain the computer well -- Norton Systemworks that I
run very regularly, etc. I run a pretty tight ship.

So what gives? Please tell me the Gateway guy was wrong
and there is something to be done!

Let me know if you need more information. Appreciate any



Well, it doesn't appear that it will hurt to do so. You
may have to reboot to have the effect take place.

You sound like you keep your NAV updated. But you might
want to grab the latest update from Symantec and run a
full system scan just in case. BTW, I have had some
instances of my Norton Firewall thinking that an ftp link
was a Trojan. So, any further ftp was blocked. But
found on Symantec that there were some settings I had
incorrect that was causing this behavoir.

Hope this helps.
-----Original Message-----
Ah, thank you for the suggestions. I should have
mentioned in my earlier post that the files were not in
quarantine, either. They appear to have disappeared. I
even went to where they were supposed to have been
located and couldn't find any trace of them there,
either. I'd like to just be satisfied that they are
cleaned and gone, but am nervous that they might be
lurking somewhere....

On the second suggestion -- thanks so much. I went
through that process and didn't find any "NoFileMenu"
value. Do you think I should CREATE one and then set it
to 0? At this point things are so screwed up (v.
frustrating to have no control in folders) that I don't
see how I could make it worse? Ah, of course I could.
Who am I kidding?

Thanks so much for your help!

-----Original Message-----
Had this happen to me a little while ago. Followed all
the steps too and no virus thank goodness. With NAV,
check your quarantine area (think it's under Reports) and
see what files have been moved there. You may have NAV
configured to automatically try to repair and then
quarantine if that's not possible. So, you won't see them
if you run another scan. That's where 4 infected (and
then quarantined) files were located on my machine.
Symantec indicates on their site that it should be okay to
delete the files that were quarantined in the Removal

Now, the Toolbar on Windows Explorer, your registry
settings may have been changed somehow. Check this site
for help:

Below is part of that website:

Registry Settings
User Key:
System Key:
Value Name: NoFileMenu
Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Value Data: (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)

You can go into the registry with regedit and go to these
keys to see if the NoFileMenu value is set to 1 or not (if
a value exists, sounds like it does). Should be able to
set it to 0 and have the menu come back up.

Hope that works.
-----Original Message-----
Hello -

We received an error message yesterday from NAV that we
were infected with the trojan.byteverify virus. And that
NAV was unable to repair the file (and access to file was
denied). Strange, because we keep everything up-to- date
and perform regular virus scans. But nonetheless....

So I did everything the Symantec web site recommended
(turning off System Restore, doing a deep scan in safe
mode, etc.) and it found nothing. The activity logs list
that the virus was found and indicate that it was unable
to repair, etc., but then it never shows up in the
scans. What gives?

I was having other difficulties (see below) that I was
hoping were related and might fix themselves with this.
Needless to say, they didn't. Anyone else experience
anything like this? Thanks for any help you can provide.

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