Triggering ItemCommand with ImageButton in Datagrid


Lars Netzel


I had a Delete Column in a datagrid that was a Linkbutton. That needed to
change into a ImageButton because of the design demands in the project. Then
how do I trigger the DeleteCommand with that button?

I don't want to have to add a AddHandler in the ItemCreated or ItemDataBound
for this ImageButton cause then I can't get the ID from the Row to delete as

please help/
Lars Netzel

Teemu Keiski

Specify the ImageButton with CommandName="Delete" attribute.

<asp:ImageButton ID="btnDelete" runat="server" CommandName="Delete" .../>

CommandNames Cancel, Delete, Edit, NextPage, Page, PrevPage, Select, Sort
and Update correspond to the same action with the DataGrid (DataGrid has
these command names predefined for cthese actions)

See docs for further details.

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