Trendline on chart created from pivotable



I have created a bar graph from a pivot table that shows the number of
events that occurred on specific dates, grouped by month. When I right
click the series to add a trendline the 'Add Trendline' option is grayed
out. Why is this?

Excel 2003.

The original data is in the form of a single column of data, each row
contains only a single date. All dates are valid and there are no nulls in
the data set.

Jon Peltier

Pivot charts are not nearly as useful as regular charts, despite their
pivot behavior. I almost always make a regular chart from pivot tables.
Here's how:

Select a blank cell away from the pivot table.
Start the chart wizard.
In step 1, select the chart type you want.
In step 2, select the Series tab, then use Add to create all the series
you will need. If you use the Data Range tab, the chart will
automatically revert to a pivot chart, and you'll have to start again.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions


I created a new regular chart but the trendline is still greyed out. I
copied the values into a new worksheet, pasting as regular text to make sure
that it wasn't still a pivot table, created my chart, and I had more active
options on the right click, but trendline was still unavailable (it was the
only unavailable option).

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