Trend Line Equation Coefficients



Is there a way to link to the coefficients of a trend line? I have some data
plotted with a exponential trend line fitted to it and the equation of the
trend line (y = cx^d) shown on the chart. Rather than manually copying c and
d to use them in another worksheet, I would like to link to them so that I
don't have to re-copy everytime my data changes. Can this be done?



Actually, using this method gives me slightly different coefficients than the
numbers I got from the excel trendline equation. Any idea why?

a = 0.011
b = -0.433

Linest Equation
a = 0.014
b = -0.453

I only have 5 data points so might as well share those too:
1, 1.0985%
2, 0.7889%
3, 0.6603%
4, 0.6036%
5, 0.5432%

Bernard Liengme

My LINEST values are -0.4334173337 -4.5248442752

So my coefficients are
-0.4334173337 0.010836402

which are identical to those in the trendline equation.
I am using Excel 2003, what version are you using?

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