Treeview problem, get value from selected node in another usercontrol ? 2.0




I have two usercontrols one menu control that use ASP.NET 2.0 Treeview
control, then a main usercontrol for showing the selected URL in a

The problem is when i raise the OnSelectedNodeChanged on the menu and
add the URL value into a session or Viewstate key and collect the value
on the second (main usercontrol) the value is always i step behind the
actual click value ?

Anyone have a solution on this ? can i get the value on the Treeview in
some other way then storing in a seperate session/viewstate key ?


Daniel TIZON

Hi Jesper,
I think your Main Usercontrol try to get the value too much early, in the
Try to get the value in the Page_PreRender event handler.

Personally when I have to do a communication between User Controls, I raise
en event from the Provider Control,
I subscribe to the event from the Page which holds the controls, and in the
event handler I send a message to a public method of the Consumer Control.

I Hope this helps,


Hi, thanks for your answer. Think you have right that the main
usercontrol is trying to get the value before a new has been set.
Will try to get it in the PreRender method.

But if you have time i would really like to see a short exemple of your
solution for it. What to learn a new way to handle this and your
solution sounds intressting.


Daniel TIZON

Ok, here is the scenario and the solution:
-I have 2 WebUserControls :
ProviderControls.ascx : it contains a TextBox and a Button.
ConsumerControl.ascx : it contains a Label
I have a WebForm called HostPage.aspx
The communication consist to pass the content of the textbox to the label
only when we click on the button

Code in App_Code folder : MyHandlers.cs
public delegate void ConsumerControlEventHandler(object sender,
ConsumerControlEventArg e);
public class ConsumerControlEventArg : EventArgs
public string TheValue = string.Empty;

Code in ProviderControl.ascx.cs
public partial class UserControlsCommunication_ProviderControl :
public event ConsumerControlEventHandler NewValue;
protected void cmdOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ConsumerControlEventArg arg = new ConsumerControlEventArg();
arg.TheValue = txtValue.Text;
NewValue(this, arg);

Code in ConsumerControl.ascx.cs
public partial class UserControlsCommunication_ConsumerControl :
public string Param1
String s = (String)ViewState["Param1"];
return ((s == null) ? String.Empty : s);
ViewState["Param1"] = value;
void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
lblResult.Text = Param1;

Code in HostPage.aspx.cs
public partial class UserControlsCommunication_HostPage : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
ProviderControl1.NewValue += new

void ProviderControl1_NewValue(object sender, ConsumerControlEventArg e)
ConsumerControl1.Param1 = e.TheValue;

Have fun :)

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