Treepad File containing the acf Programs


Susan Bugher

The PL2005 election is coming soon. As many acf participants know I
*love* Treepad.

As an incentive (I hope) to those who haven't tried it I've created a
Treepad file with the information that's shown on the acf Program
Information web pages. The file is here:

(Right click amd save.)

This is a trial run to see if the group is interested in such a beast.
I've divided the apps into alphabetical groups. They could be grouped by
web page just as easily. Comments? Suggestions?


Susan Bugher

omega said:
Tres Cool!!

Mercy buckets. ;)

I forgot to say the file size is 732 KB.

My Treepad file for software is similar (in layout) but contains several
years worth of interesting acf posts about the apps, notes, download
info, etc. etc. etc.

Ack!!!! I've been afaid to look. It's now almost 10,000 KB. I wonder
what the world record is for a Treepad file. . .



Susan Bugher said:
Mercy buckets. ;)

I forgot to say the file size is 732 KB.

My Treepad file for software is similar (in layout) but contains several
years worth of interesting acf posts about the apps, notes, download
info, etc. etc. etc.

Ack!!!! I've been afaid to look. It's now almost 10,000 KB.

With that many KBs, watch out, they're gonna grow up into tall MBs.
I wonder what the world record is for a Treepad file. . .

You know, it's possible your file hits the record, for a hand-compiled
TPD file. (I qualify hand-compiled to differentiate from the case of a
generic mass import. One example of latter: If trawled part of the web
with a bot, then an html-to-txt conversion, then an import to Treepad.)

There's one file out on the web that gets close to yours in size, as it
weighs in at about 8MB. The one named freeware.hjt [*]. That file, note:
its contents are not restricted to freeware. Things that get listed in
there, they have in common the word "FREE" somewhere. So there's adware,
spyware, crippleware, etc, included. Plus stuff that's not software,
just said "FREE."

And too, the freeware.hjt file, it's only a list, unfiltered. Thus quite
a different entity from the three-year TPD file you describe. It's not
organized research drawn from the great wisdom of the ACF collective. 8)

Karen S.

[*] freeware.hjt

| Descriptions & URLs of free program
| dátum : 2003.02.02
| szerzõ : Toldy, Lajos
| This database contains the descriptions and URLs of freeware programs,
| applications and other downloadable resources.
| Number of descriptions are 10.000

Susan Bugher

omega said:
With that many KBs, watch out, they're gonna grow up into tall MBs.

I *should* do a serious purge. Any minute now. . . ;)

And too, the freeware.hjt file, it's only a list, unfiltered. Thus quite
a different entity from the three-year TPD file you describe. It's not
organized research drawn from the great wisdom of the ACF collective. 8)

ISTM the file I uploaded is an ACF community *bookmark-plus* file. When
someone posts about an app they can grab the name, URL etc. from the
Treepad file.

The info on the web pages is revised frequently. I can upload a revised
Treepad file occasionally *if* people find it useful.



_Susan Bugher_, mercoledì 27/ott/2004:
The PL2005 election is coming soon. As many acf participants know I
*love* Treepad.

As an incentive (I hope) to those who haven't tried it I've created a
Treepad file with the information that's shown on the acf Program
Information web pages. The file is here:

(Right click amd save.)

This is a trial run to see if the group is interested in such a beast.
I've divided the apps into alphabetical groups. They could be grouped by
web page just as easily. Comments? Suggestions?

What a great gift, Susan, thank you!
You made me install Treepad Lite, then you reached your goal ;-))

Bjorn Simonsen

Susan Bugher wrote in said:
The info on the web pages is revised frequently. I can upload a revised
Treepad file occasionally *if* people find it useful.

If I am people (both of me), we do. :)

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen

Susan Bugher

MLC said:
_Susan Bugher_, mercoledì 27/ott/2004:
What a great gift, Susan, thank you!

You're welcome. :)
You made me install Treepad Lite, then you reached your goal ;-))

Goodie. Now we can have speed contests to see who posts the info about
an app first. Hint: if you can remember *part* of the app's name
searching just the "nodes" will usually find it instantly (uncheck the
"articles" box).

One caveat: searching nodes won't work for the PL2005 nomination named
"R". ;)


Susan Bugher

Bjorn said:
Susan Bugher wrote in <[email protected]>:

If I am people (both of me), we do. :)

Glad to hear that. :)

FWIW - Treepad can export to a text file. Keynote can import Treepad
files. Keynote can export nodes as individual text files. IOW - there's
more than one way to use the file. . .


mike ring

Susan Bugher said:
I forgot to say the file size is 732 KB.

My Treepad file for software is similar (in layout) but contains several
years worth of interesting acf posts about the apps, notes, download
info, etc. etc. etc.

Ack!!!! I've been afaid to look. It's now almost 10,000 KB. I wonder
what the world record is for a Treepad file. . .


I think you've got it - I stuff *everything* on treepad and my file is

While all that was going on, I downloaded your file, ran a search on html,
and got 200 hits!

Seriously, I think it's a great idea, especially for those of us just
outside the capital of the UK with a bit of wet string for a connection.


mike ring

FWIW - Treepad can export to a text file. Keynote can import Treepad
files. Keynote can export nodes as individual text files. IOW - there's
more than one way to use the file. . .


I only want one, which is why I love treepad lite; store info, and find it
again easily, no rich text, pix, bells and whistles, the whole app and a
(reasonable) amount of info on a floppy.

(For you, a 256Meg memory stick)


Susan Bugher

I only want one, which is why I love treepad lite; store info, and find it
again easily, no rich text, pix, bells and whistles, the whole app and a
(reasonable) amount of info on a floppy.

(For you, a 256Meg memory stick)

Nobody explained the dangers of Treepad. It all started innocently
enough. . .

I imported some miscellaneous text files I had lying around. Then I
started adding more info - *everything* that looked interesting because
I knew I could easily find it again.

My Treepad files grew slowly at first, then more rapidly - adding info
is *much* too easy *and* I kept discovering new uses for Treepad. . .

I now attend Treepad Anonymous meetings on a regular basis. It hasn't
helped. I am still addicted. There is no known cure.



Nobody explained the dangers of Treepad. It all started innocently
enough. . .

I imported some miscellaneous text files I had lying around. Then I
started adding more info - *everything* that looked interesting because
I knew I could easily find it again.

My Treepad files grew slowly at first, then more rapidly - adding info
is *much* too easy *and* I kept discovering new uses for Treepad. . .

I now attend Treepad Anonymous meetings on a regular basis. It hasn't
helped. I am still addicted. There is no known cure.

Sounds like possible Drug Dealer Ware:


Susan Bugher

Rod said:
Sounds like possible Drug Dealer Ware:


I'm convinced of it! Alas!! IMO Henk Hagedoorn is too cunning to be

He has avoided the obvious stereotypes and presents a charming front.

1. He claims his name is Henk. That alone is enough to inspire immediate
trust in the potential "user".

2. "Henk" not only gives away free samples - he continues to give away
the product after you are "hooked".

3. In theory a "user" can walk away at any time. They can export the
files (simple text files!) and leave. . . but no one ever does, people
are always happy, no one tries to leave. . .

welcome to. . . oh, wait, wrong story. . .

I think "Henk" must put something in the water supply. IMO it's the only
theory that fits the known facts.



MLC said:
_Susan Bugher_, mercoledì 27/ott/2004:

What a great gift, Susan, thank you!
You made me install Treepad Lite, then you reached your goal ;-))

That was only the first step in her goal. You are aware that she will be
carefully surveilling you next week, when you step into the voters booth?

If we don't check a "yes" vote on Treepad...EEEh...(watch out for speeding
cars on dark streets).


_omega_, venerdì 29/ott/2004:
That was only the first step in her goal. You are aware that she will be
carefully surveilling you next week, when you step into the voters booth?

If we don't check a "yes" vote on Treepad...EEEh...(watch out for speeding
cars on dark streets).

I love speed, and I live over a hill with many terrific hairpin bends, also
very wet these days...
Uhmmm, I won't go out next week!

Susan Bugher

MLC said:
_omega_, venerdì 29/ott/2004:

I love speed, and I live over a hill with many terrific hairpin bends, also
very wet these days...
Uhmmm, I won't go out next week!

I wouldn't do that - honest injun ;)

I just want people to *try* Treepad. When I did my reaction was "Where
have you been all my life?" What's *your* reaction so far?



_Susan Bugher_, venerdì 29/ott/2004:
I just want people to *try* Treepad. When I did my reaction was "Where
have you been all my life?"

What when you met your husband? ;-))
What's *your* reaction so far?

Unfortunately these days I didn't manage to find the time to dig into it, I
took only a look to your wonderful database.
I *promise* I'll do it and I'll let you know! :)

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