Tree Structure ?



I have trawled through the System.Collections namespace looking for some
structure that will enable me to represent and manipulate tree structures,
as yet to no avail.

Of course I can represent a tree as a Hashtable with one part of the Value
of each entry pointing to the key of the parent, but it strikes me that this
is only usefull for drilling up from a child to a parent node - to find all
the children of a node I'd need to scan the whole table!

There must be a native tree-like structure with supporting methods to help
in tree-walking ... please someone point me to it !


Yes but they are in the Windows.Forms namespace. I need something more
generic since I'm writing library code that could conceivably used from
other types of project.

I imagine that I have to write my own set of classes to handle this - there
is a standard design pattern for representing trees - however I'm surprised
there's nothing native in the Collections namespace.

Vijaye Raji

An object collection can by itself act as a tree. This works because an
array of objects can be represented as an object too.

So, you can make a tree data structure out of just an array of objects.



I agree that it would be nice if there was such a collection. But really
Tree-style collections are just collections of collections. It should be a
walk in the park to write a simple class/object that holds collections of
types like itself. Implementing an ArrayList would work fine, but if you
want to write a custom strong-typed collection for your new object, try
CodeSmith .NET CollectionGen



public class MyTreeNode

private MyTreeNode parent;
private IList children;

public MyTreeNode ( MyTreeNode aParent )
parent = aParent;
public bool IsRoot { get { return parent == null; } }
public bool HasChildren { get { if ( children != null && children.Count
0 ) return true; return false; } }
public Children { get { return children;} set { children = value; }

You can take it from here


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