Trap exception

  • Thread starter Christian Borchgrevink-Vigeland
  • Start date

Christian Borchgrevink-Vigeland

Have SP2. Suddenly it all stopped working. Right after the BIOS post, when
XP is about to load, i get a "Trap exception" (more details available if
needed), and sometimes a "General protection fault". Have not installed new
hardware/software. Most often a "trap exception". Tried to boot from XP CD
to get to repair consol, but not possible. Any suggestions? Thank you very



Have seen this problems like this before, usually damaged memory modules,
try removing one if you have two or more. Then it could be a damaged CPU.
Very hard to say.

Good Luck.

Christian Borchgrevink-Vigeland

Hmm, I am a bit lost now. Have tried with other RAM, so it is not RAM. Have
tried to flash BIOS, did not work. One odd thing: My system will only boot
from floppy whem it has been turend of for some minutes, or else I get
"Non-system-disk" error.

This suggests a heat issue to me, but fans are running normally and have in
addition cleaned CPU fan.

Any ideas?


Do you have Diagnostic lights in the back of your computer. If so check the
diagnostic codes in your manual. They might give you a better indication of
what is happening. If they are all green, usually means things are OK.
Also I was talking to some people about this, they said it could be a fried
resistor that supplies power to your CPU (there is usually 4 or 5 of them)
on your motherboard. Also they said could be a hardware item (like a hard
drive or video card) has failed.

Christian Borchgrevink-Vigeland


Only diagnostics on the NIC I think. Does that help?

Have tried to remove ALL PCI cards except graphics and my HDs. If it is a
resistor, that means my MB is broken?

Thanks again


NIC doesn't help.

If it is a resistor to your MB, the machine is probably Over Clocking and
cannot handle it, to much power to the CPU.

Does the BIOS in you Compter show you voltages and/or temperature scores?

I would get another MB, probably is cheaper than to get someone to repair

But then it might not be MB, do you have another Power Supply you can try,
if that fails I would suggest a new MB.

These are only suggestions.

Christian Borchgrevink-Vigeland

OK. I have never overclocked.

Shall check the temp/voltage readings, but I think I rememnber the CPU is
around 69 C.


Christian Borchgrevink-Lund

Here are the voltage readings:

VCORE voltage: 1.77V
+3.3V voltage: 3.20V
+5V voltage: 4.94V
+12V voltage: 12.89
686A voltage: 3.27V

MB temp 28 C/84 F
CPU temp 62 C / 143.5 F

Any clues?



Looks like you are overclocking, you VCORE is 1.77 (way too high) should be
around 1.35. Can u manually change this in you bios?

Your 12V is too high (should be around 11.9 to 12.05) but probably to do the
VCORE reading (because of overclocking).

CPU Temperature is too high (should be arounnd 38 C at idle).

Can you list you overclocking menu in the bios for me?
Can you tell what RAM you are using (example DDR 333, DDR 400)?
Can you tell me what your FSB for your processor?

I think we found the problem :)

Christian Borchgrevink-Lund

Have now also tried another power supply. Same thing.

More ino: Seems that error message alters between "trap error" and
"general protection fault". Some seldom times the PC starts to boot
windows a long way before it goes in BSOD. This only happens when the
PC has been off for hours (and therefore cold)?

Christian Borchgrevink-Lund

Last update: Tried another VGA card, did not help. Have now tried
everything except another CPU/MB. Seems to me that this is the issue.

Thanks again

Christian Borchgrevink-Lund

Have no overclocking menu in BIOS. My MB is a A7V-E Asus with AThlon
1300 CPU and 512 MB SD-133 RAM.

Can not change voltage in BIOS.

But, how can this suddenly happen?

Thanks again



This is you manual, on page 18, it says you can overclock, but it looks like
it is done with switches, not by the bios.

You have to match you CPU frequency (which I do not know) but it is not 1300
(this is totally different number), it would be around 100 Mhz.

Is this board new? If so, I would return it.

They have a newsgroup or member forum in Asus, maybe this can help you more.
Here is the link

Christian Borchgrevink-Lund

Thanks again.

The switches have never been altered by me, and are set to jumper free
mode (default). My CPU is a AMD Athlon 1.3 GHz or are you referring to
another frequency? The MB is 2-3 years old.

Thanks again



I was refering to your bus speed of the processor not the clock speed, I
tried to find this for you but I was having troubles locating your processor
specifications in AMDs website. Could you insert a web page link for your

I am also sure it is a MB issue. Is there anyway you can test your CPU in
another MB or another CPU in your MB?

I know this must be very frustrating for you. Did you check out Asus's
members site for info?

Christian Borchgrevink-Lund

Hmmm, I have never touched the switches, and they are in default
positions. The MB is 2-3 years old, and have worked flawlessly until
now. My CPU is a AMD Athlon 1300, are you referring to another

Maybe this means the MB is broken? I cannot se why else this suddenly

Thanks again for all help


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