Trap Close event at worksheet level?


Rich Wallace

Hi all,

I have three issues I'm hoping somone can help with:

1. Is there a way I can trap a 'Close' event at the worksheet level rather
than the Workbook level? I've tried Worksheet_Deactivate but it's not
working quite as well as I had hoped.

2. If/When a user closes the worksheet and opts to save changes when
prompted, can I trap the data from the cell that was last updated aside from
using Worksheet_SelectionChange (currently I use Worksheet_Change).

3. Upon a user being prompted to save data, is there a way, again at the
worksheet elvel, to know what the user selected? If they opt to save data,
I want to run one macro, if they do NOT save, I want to run a different one.


Rich Wallace

That's what I'm trying to find out I guess and how to trap it. An Excel
Application opens a worksheet stored on our network; the application allows
user to update certain fields and can then close that individual 'file' they
updated but still leave the main application running. I need to know when
and how to catch the user closing the file as the Workbook_Close is not

Frank Kabel

Hi Rich
i think you should be precise with your wording:
1. WorkSHEET: a single table within a file/workBOOK
- can't be closed individually (can be hidden)
- no closing event on worksheet level

2. WorkBOOK: One Excel file consisiting of 1 or more worksheets
- Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) should be
'frired' if you close this file/workbook
- Excel as application can house one or more workBOOKs
- there's no workbook_close event

Rich Wallace

Thank you for the clarification, still trying to learn the Excel world, I'll
try teh different approach agani, thank you!

Rich Wallace

Can anybody still help with how I can trap the save return from the GUI to
know if a user has chosen to save changes or not.

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