Translate from Greek to English

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Hello, I have a 12 page document in Greek that I need to translate into
English. I have tried using the translation in Word for I get gobblegook.
Any suggestions, ideas, translators that are available. Would appreciate any

Thank you.
No automatic translation is perfect, but if the text in the document is
formatted as Greek then Word's Greek to English translation service is quite
useful. I live in a country where the first language is Greek and my own
Greek is not perfect (or even good) but I find this tool a great assistance
in understanding the many documents the government here issues.
I you need better translation than this you need a human translator.
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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Thank you Graham. Would you kindly direct me how to do this. I thought I
was doing it and I keep getting Word Lingo and nothing happens.

Thank you again.
Select the text and apply the Greek proofing language (you probably won't
have the Greek dictionary, but that shouldn't matter).
While it remains selected, right click and choose 'translate'. WordLingo
opens and should have the correct translation options set from Greek to US
English (if it doesn't change the settings). WordLingo then translates the
text as well as any computerised translator.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site

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