Transforming XML with XSL to String


Krista Lemieux


I am trying to transform XML with XSL to a string
in .NET. Currently I am using XSLTransform class, but all
the Transform() methods write to a file. How can I
Transform it straight to a string without writing to a
file and then reading back from the file (not to lose out
on performance).

Thank you for your help in advance.

Krista Lemieux

Steve Flitcroft

Try something like this, the StringWriter is passed into the transform method and returns the transformed xml as a string

Dim xslt As XslTransform

Dim writer As New System.IO.StringWriter

Dim rdr As New IO.StringReader(xml)

Dim xmlDoc As New xml.XPath.XPathDocument(rdr)


xslt.Transform(xmlDoc.CreateNavigator, xslArg, writer, Nothing)

Return writer.ToString

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