Transferring DSL Network Settings to new PC possible?



Hi, all.

My new desktop is a Gateway 5040 with Windows XP 2005 media edition. My
current PC is an HP Pavilion 740n, runnings Windows XP SP2, completely up to

I share a DSL connection. The owner of the connection set it up on my
current PC. Will the DSL connections transfer to the new desktop using Files
and Settings Transfer Wizard or Intellimover? Or is there some other way to
transfer DSL network connections?

The documentation for both F.A.S.T and Intellimover specifically say they'll
transfer "dial-up connections", but nothing about other types of network

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Steve Winograd [MVP]

Hi, all.

My new desktop is a Gateway 5040 with Windows XP 2005 media edition. My
current PC is an HP Pavilion 740n, runnings Windows XP SP2, completely up to

I share a DSL connection. The owner of the connection set it up on my
current PC. Will the DSL connections transfer to the new desktop using Files
and Settings Transfer Wizard or Intellimover? Or is there some other way to
transfer DSL network connections?

The documentation for both F.A.S.T and Intellimover specifically say they'll
transfer "dial-up connections", but nothing about other types of network

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Without knowing the details of your DSL connection, I can't say
whether it's possible to transfer its settings.

The best way to find out is to try it and see. FAST does indeed move
dial-up connections -- everything but the login password.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program


Thanks for the reply Steve. However, FAST did not (does not?) work for
anything. the XP Media Center machine would not recognize the files. It
kept saying "insert the first disk". I tried transferring via memory stick,
CD, copying saved settings from one PC to the other.

Was always possible to save the files settings using FAST, just couldn't get
them imported on the new PC.

I did find that naming the new computer with the same name as the previous
computer allowed it to be recognized and nothing further was needed.
Everything else got transferred by exporting/importing through a Maxtor
stand-alone drive that I use for backups. Not elegant, but it worked.


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