Transfer of Data Between Sheets



Hi All. I hope I can explain this clearly. Here is what I would like
to do:

I have created a large worksheet that contains, in part, all the
projects I'm doing for different departments. Say, for example, I get
a new project from sales. When I enter the new project details on the
main worksheet and I type in "sales" under the "department" column, I
want the whole row of data for that project copied to a new worksheet
(within the workbook) titled "sales." If I get a project from legal,
I want the data transferred to a worksheet called "legal" and so on.
I want this to happen automatically;I don't want to cut and paste
between worksheets.

Also, if I edit some of the data on the main worksheet on a project
for sales, for example, I would like the changes to be reflected in
the sales worksheet. Lastly, if I delete a project I'm doing for
legal, I would like it to be automatically deleted from the legal

I know I have asked for a lot, but any help given would be greatly
appreciated and I will be sure to send good karma your way. Thanks

George Nicholson

Why not just leave all your data on one sheet and simply apply an autofilter
to the sheet?
Then, when you want to see just the Sales, Legal or whatever projects, use
the drop-down filter to show you just that data. No copy, no paste, no
worries about synchronizing duplicate data between sheets.

Unless there is some additional data on the Sales, Legal etc. pages that you
haven't mentioned (and that would make any other solution more problematic).


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