tracking recipients of multiple mail merges



I've read a bunch of threads in this group but have not come across the
answer to this one:
Is there a way in Outlook for me to track to whom I've sent mass snail
mailings via the mailmerge feature? If not natively in Outlook, can
anyone think of another way to achieve this (ie. export to an excel
file and have it stamp each record w/ the filename of the mailmerge if
that contact was a recipient)?

The goal is to be able to tell which people were sent which fliers for
a fund raiser. We do multiple rounds of fliers and for various reasons
it would be nice to see who has received what. I can see now how you
can select a category or individual contacts from outlook to do a
mailmerge but I don't see how to view any kind of sent list. Ideally
there would be a way to have it append a note to each contact record
including the date & filename of what that person was sent (or generate
a send log which could be loaded into a spreadsheet or access db).


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