Tracking age of record using date field



I'm trying to build an Aging Report where my results will fall in buckets of
0 - 30 days, 31-60 days and so on. This report will be part of a process
that is updated daily, so rather than do a <mmddyyyy >mmddyyyy type of query,
I'm looking to do a count of days the record has been on the report based on
submission date. I've updated my Submission Date to a seperate Age field and
tried variants of Date()-[RawData][Age] in hopes I could achieve a
today-submission date=#of days between type of result with no luck.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...


John Vinson

I'm trying to build an Aging Report where my results will fall in buckets of
0 - 30 days, 31-60 days and so on. This report will be part of a process
that is updated daily, so rather than do a <mmddyyyy >mmddyyyy type of query,
I'm looking to do a count of days the record has been on the report based on
submission date. I've updated my Submission Date to a seperate Age field and
tried variants of Date()-[RawData][Age] in hopes I could achieve a
today-submission date=#of days between type of result with no luck.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...


To get just the number of days, try typing into a vacant Field cell in
a query:

Age: DateDiff("d", [Submission Date], Date())

The Age field *SHOULD NOT EXIST* in your table, period; it will be
wrong the day after you enter it and forever after. Just calculate it
on demand instead.

To get thirty-day buckets, you can use

AgeIn30DayMonths: DateDiff("d", [Submission Date], Date()) \ 30

This calculated field can be used in your report, for searching, for
sorting, etc. - there's no benefit to storing it anywhere.

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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