track changes



In Word 2002 (SP-2), I'm tracking changes in a document.
I've turned off the bubbles, but my deleted text does not
have strikethrough formatting. The deleted text is the
same color as the added text (so I know that Word is
tracking), but that's the only change.

What can I do to get the deleted text to show up w/ the
strikethrough formatting?

Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Diane,
In Word 2002 (SP-2), I'm tracking changes in a document.
I've turned off the bubbles, but my deleted text does not
have strikethrough formatting. The deleted text is the
same color as the added text (so I know that Word is
tracking), but that's the only change.

What can I do to get the deleted text to show up w/ the
strikethrough formatting?
You need to run a macro to affect how deleted text is
displayed. Like this:

Sub ChangeDeletedText()
Application.Options.DeletedTextMark _
= wdDeletedTextMarkStrikeThrough
End Sub

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jan
24 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any
follow question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail


Go to Format/Track Changes/Option and reset your color
schemes so you can really tell the difference - you can
also determine whether you want the strikeout view.

I like to use red for delete/strikeout and blue for

p.s. can't stand the bubbles - really messes up a page!

Good luck!



Is there a way to have track changes work exactly like
they did in office 2000 with box that tells you who edited
it along with the strikethrough?
I have inserted your suggestion into VBA and it works now
i only need the edited by who box to go with it.
Any suggestions?
please email me @ (e-mail address removed)


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