Total Work in hours only for Tasks?



Currently when entering Total Work or Actual Work hours on an Outlook task,
it sometimes converts that number to days.

How can I configure it to only show hours, do not convert to days.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Outlook does not offer any way to change the display so that it always shows
hours, without recalculating to days.


I have to say then that that's extremely frustrating. This should be fairly

If I'm tracking my hours and I work 3 hours on a project in a day, yet my
Actual Hours displays in days, that means I have to figure out how many hours
those days equal. 4.25 day + 3hrs ? Seems like this should be so much

Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook]

If you add the fields to the view, you may customize the format: Switch from
"12 hours business" to "12 hours".

For the form that's also possible but more of work because you had to create
all the second page yourself.

Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook

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Am Tue, 23 Sep 2008 06:49:02 -0700 schrieb Jeremy:


That still doesn't fix my problem. That would be the perfect place to do it
but I only have 4 options:

- 12h
- 12 hours
- 12h (Work Time)
- 12 hours (Work Time)

No matter what I choose it still converts it to days.
- 12h become 1.5d
- 12 hours becomes 1.5 days

Work time seems to change the number but I don't really know what it's doing
(perhaps including weekends?)

I just don't want it to convert the number into days.

Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook]

Sorry, then I have no idea. I tested with OL03, and here that works.

Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook

: VBOffice Reporter for Data Analysis & Reporting
: Outlook Categories? Category Manager Is Your Tool
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Am Thu, 25 Sep 2008 13:14:33 -0700 schrieb Jeremy:

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