Total up a column as the value change on another



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I want to write a code to Total up some figures.
Every Change in Date (Column A), Flight No (Column B), Out/In(Column
Column H's figures should total up to "Column I" as it shown in the
example above. Like wise Column J's figures should total up to Column

On Column H there is a formular it values changes automaticaly, but
Column J user enters values. Adding up should be in the same row
because the condition is common to Column I and K.

I hope I made my self clear.

Date Flight Out/ Total Total Return Return
No In per per per per
series flight series flight

10.01.05 878 out 6 2
10.01.05 878 out 10 16 3 5
10.01.05 878 in 15 5
10.01.05 878 in 10 4
10.01.05 878 in 10 35 9 18
10.01.05 578 out 15 5
10.01.05 578 out 12 27 3 8
10.01.05 578 in 20 6
10.01.05 578 in 20 40 4 10
11.01.05 878 out 6 2
11.01.05 878 out 10 16 3 5
11.01.05 878 in 10 4
11.01.05 878 in 10 20 9 13
11.01.05 578 out 15 5
11.01.05 578 out 12 27 3 8
11.01.05 578 in 20 6
11.01.05 578 in 20 40 4 10

Thank you very much in advance.

Tom Ogilvy

As I asked before, What row does your data start on.

What row has this information
10.01.05 878 out 6 2

Don't repost your question - answer my question.

Priyanga Fernando

Hello Mr Ogilvy,

I’m sorry I completely miss understood.

Data starts at 5th Row.



Tom Ogilvy

Sub AddColumnsHandJ()
Dim tot1 as Long, tot2 as Long
Dim i as long
tot1 = 0 : tot2 = 0
for i = 5 to cells(rows.count,1).End(xlup).Row
tot1 = tot1 + cells(i,"H").Value
tot2 = tot2 + cells(i,"J").Value
if cells(i,"A").Value <> cells(i+1,"A").Value or _
cells(i,"B").Value <> cells(i+1,"B").Value or _
cells(i,"D").Value <> cells(i+1,"D").Value then
cells(i,"I").Value = tot1
cells(i,"K").Value = tot2
tot1 = 0 : tot2 = 0
end if
End Sub

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