Total of Multiple Queries


John VW

I have a basic understanding of Access 97 but have never delved into the
SQL side of Access & need help.

I have multiple queries providing me with the the numbers of sales per
day for all the different products I have. These all come from a data
dump txt file which I have imported into Access

They are in the format of
Date Count of Sales

I want to produce a query which will give me the totals of each query
per day

ie, like this

Date Product1 Product2 Product3
12/01/04 7 10 22

I've tried creating a link between the dates in each query but it just
comes up with blank fields

Any help greatly received

Michel Walsh


You have only two fields, the date and the count of sale, where do we read
the "product id" ?

Having three fields, it would then be a matter to run the Wizard for
Crosstab query. You Group By date, you Pivot on ProductID and you aggregate
with SUM over the third field, CountOfSale.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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