Total male and female



Hi ,
I have a report that I need to total the number of Males and females. How
do I do this? I want it to total at the bottom of the report.

Marshall Barton

Jenjen said:
I have a report that I need to total the number of Males and females. How
do I do this? I want it to total at the bottom of the report.

It would be useful for you to explain how you determine a
male from a female.

Presuming you have a Yes/No field named Sex in the report's
record source table/query and that a True value indicates a
male, the number of males can be calculated with the text
box expression:
for females:
=Abs(Sum(Not Sex))


I exported this out of a student management system. the males are listed as
M and Females as F.


Hi Marshall,

thank you for replying. I am exporting the data out of a student management
system . I am puting the data into tabel and creating a report. the Males
are represented by M and Females by f. How can I sum up how many of each on
the report.'


Duane Hookom

Building off Marsh's reply:
the number of males can be calculated with the text
box expression:
for females:

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