Torvalds pans Apple with 'utter crap' putdown


Spanky deMonkey

I think that OS X Leopard is currently better than Vista. Maybe after Vista
SP1 comes out and some of the bugs are corrected, the two OS's will be a bit

Inga Binga

Any estimated time to SP1? Will there ever be a point where doing the
simplest thing (like synching smart phones or using Turbo Lister) will
actually working without 2 days of aggravation?

Spanky deMonkey said:
I think that OS X Leopard is currently better than Vista. Maybe after Vista
SP1 comes out and some of the bugs are corrected, the two OS's will be a bit

Spanky deMonkey

Inga Binga said:
Any estimated time to SP1? Will there ever be a point where doing the
simplest thing (like synching smart phones or using Turbo Lister) will
actually working without 2 days of aggravation?

Estimated time for SP1 is the middle of March I believe. I still have some
aggravation with Vista but I also use OS X and it just works.


Rev Turd Fredericks

Frank said:
Apple's much-touted new operating system, OS X Leopard, is in some
ways worse than Windows Vista, says the founder of the Linux open
source project, Linus Torvalds.
It is if you have to actually pay for software that's for sure. I don't
program, so I can't comment on that, but I can say from an end user
standpoint a new OS or rather an "upgraded" OS shouldn't break the
software that was made for it's predecessor. To be fair though he said
this as well "I don't think they're equally flawed - I think Leopard is
a much better system,"

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