Toosl/Templates & Addins - Checked items currently loaded



Hi, I am using Word 2003\SP2 and would be interested to know if anyone has
experienced a problem with global templates\addins not loading? If so, have
you found a solution? I have 2 global templates stored in a startup folder
and referenced in Tools\Options\File Locations\Startup. 1 (either 1 but not
both so far) occassionally does not load for random users (this causes errors
with various linked document templates). Checking the tick box associated
with the global template in Tools\Templates & Addins will fix the problem but
I am wondering why the global template fails to load occasionally?

I would appreciate your comments or thoughts.


Cindy M.

Hi Sharon,
I am using Word 2003\SP2 and would be interested to know if anyone has
experienced a problem with global templates\addins not loading? If so, have
you found a solution? I have 2 global templates stored in a startup folder
and referenced in Tools\Options\File Locations\Startup. 1 (either 1 but not
both so far) occassionally does not load for random users (this causes errors
with various linked document templates). Checking the tick box associated
with the global template in Tools\Templates & Addins will fix the problem but
I am wondering why the global template fails to load occasionally?
My best guess would be that some other Add-in is interfering with the loading,
or is unloading it after the fact. If you have a "master" add-in template with
macro code, the better approach might be to move the other templates out of the
Startup folder and have this one template load them explicitly when it loads.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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