Tooltips on datagrid titles



I'm probably missing something real easy here but...
How do i set Tooltips to the header cells in a datagrid?

Datagrid is databound, using non template named columns with 'Create columns
at Run Time' disabled.

i know i can set Tooltips to the cell/rows of the datagrid in the
ItemDataBound event - but can't seem to get to the header cells!
also, i know i can make template columns & set the tooltip directly to the
'label' in the header but i just don't wanna!

Many thanks, in advance - Stevie_mac


You can set tootip to datagrid header by writing itemcreated event handler,
you can get header item in this event handler and then set the tool tip for
each columns. For example,
Private Sub DataGrid1_ItemCreated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs) Handles

If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Pager Then

e.item.cells(0).tooltip = "tooltip msg"


end if
end sub


Thanks man,
I knew it would be something simple, only I didn't think it would be that
obvious. DOH!

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