Too many fonts affect performance?

  • Thread starter Tony Patriarche
  • Start date

Tony Patriarche

I heard some time ago (Windows 98?) that windows loads all
fonts into RAM at startup or logon. Does anyone know if
this is true (for Win-XP)?

I have 912 fonts (!). I certainly don't use many of these
in common editing, but it is hard to be sure which ones
are required by special applications such as music
notation software, or loaded (e.g. by a web page?) for
essentially one-time use.


Tony Patriarche

Thanks - glad to hear the rumour was untrue (or maybe a
W95 thing).

I'd still love to know where all those fonts came from, as
scrolling through to select one for a simple document is
pure hell ... just ranting.

-----Original Message-----
Not true for 98 or XP.
wrote in message [email protected]...

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