Too Many Different Cell Formats?



In a worksheet, when i attempt to save or do something, such as print
it says "Too Many Different Cell Formats". I have looked o and came up with KB article 213904, pertaining t
the 4000 different combinations of cell formats. my worksheet has wel
under that amount. Any ideas? is there a way to show the amount o
different cell formats in order to count?




sometimes i've met with this problem.
As I figured out, there was two possible cause of these alerts.

one, when you put more than 15 charts in a sheet, and you use for them
some built in template, this problem can occur, when your font settings
of the chart are differ from the general. for example in my case the
preset font is 'ARIAL CE" for the charts, and all labels, titles, etc.
When you change only a few of them to yours, and in the wizard you did
not set all the (sometimes unvisible) labels to your font, it could
generate this error.
The solution: before inserting the first chart, you should set all the
fonts to the same.

Second: I also get in this trouble when I used a two-criteria
conditional formats in plenty of ranges (approximately 30 times a 10row
X 20 column range.
I suppose, that the special, or custom number formats are also increases
very much the "effective count of farmats" so you can reach quite easily
the 4000 limit.

hope it could help a bit

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hi! thanks for the input. is there a way to count how many differen
cell formats there are


that would take some vba coding. is it Conditional Formatting you have
or just thousands of Cell Formats? if CF's you can use the GoT
feature. F5 -> Special -> Conditional Formats, this will take you t
them. but if you're getting the error message, i'd bet your crowdin
that 4000 limit if not over already

Roger Crawley


I have attached some code which lists all Number Formats in the
ActiveWorkbook and also identifies those that are Used/Unused (by
Worksheets). However, I have to admit that I didn't write the code that
obtains all of the Number Formats in a Workbook. I found this elsewhere
and have used it as the base for a complex Number Format Tool that I

Hopefully this will be of use.


Public Const NFTmbt As String = "Number Format Tool"

Public Const NFRn As String = "Number Format Report"
Private Const NFRbr1 As Integer = 1
Private Const NFRtr As Integer = 2
Private Const NFRbr2 As Integer = 3
Private Const NFRhr As Integer = 4
Private Const NFRbr3 As Integer = 5
Public Const NFRsr As Integer = 6
Private Const NFRbc1 As Integer = 1
Public Const NFRca As Integer = 2
Private Const NFRbc2 As Integer = 3
Public Const NFRcy As Integer = 4
Private Const NFRbc3 As Integer = 5
Public Const NFRcx As Integer = 6
Private Const NFRbc4 As Integer = 7
Private Const NFRaCI As Integer = 11
Private Const NFRyCI As Integer = 10
Private Const NFRxCI As Integer = 3

Sub NFR()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Let Start = Now()
Dim nF(0 To 10000) As Variant

Application.StatusBar = "Adding the '" & NFRn & "' Worksheet to: " &
On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Worksheets.Add Before:=Worksheets(1)
Worksheets(1).Name = NFRn
ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False
ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = False

Application.StatusBar = "Identifying all available formats in: " &
On Error GoTo Failed
Set Buffer = Range("A1")
Let ii = 0
nF(ii) = Buffer.NumberFormatLocal
Let ii = 1
SaveFormat = Buffer.NumberFormatLocal
Dummy = Buffer.NumberFormatLocal
SendKeys "{tab 3}{down}{enter}"
Application.Dialogs(xlDialogFormatNumber).Show Dummy
If Buffer.NumberFormatLocal = nF(ii - 1) Then GoTo
nF(ii) = Buffer.NumberFormatLocal
Let ii = ii + 1
Loop Until nF(ii - 1) = SaveFormat

Application.StatusBar = "Creating the Number Format Report"
Cells(NFRtr, NFRca).Value = "Number Format Tool: Number Format
Cells(NFRhr, NFRca).Value = "All Formats"
Cells(NFRhr, NFRcy).Value = "Used Formats"
Cells(NFRhr, NFRcx).Value = "Unused Formats"

Application.StatusBar = "Creating the Number Format Report: Listing
All Formats"
Let ia = 0
Let iamax = ii - 1
For ia = 0 To iamax
Cells(NFRsr, NFRca).Offset(ia, 0).NumberFormatLocal = nF(ia)
Cells(NFRsr, NFRca).Offset(ia, 0).Value = nF(ia)
Let NFRer = NFRsr + iamax
Let aFs = Range(Cells(NFRsr, NFRca), Cells(NFRer,

Application.StatusBar = "Creating the Number Format Report: Listing
Used Formats"
Let iy = 0
Let yFs = Range(Cells(NFRsr, NFRcy), Cells(NFRer,
For Each w In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
Application.StatusBar = "Creating the Number Format Report:
Listing Used Formats on '" & w.Name & "'"
If w.Name <> NFRn Then
For Each c In w.UsedRange.Cells
Let cF = c.NumberFormatLocal
Let cFv = "~" & cF
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(yFs),
cFv) = 0 Then
Cells(NFRsr, NFRcy).Offset(iy,
0).NumberFormatLocal = cF
Cells(NFRsr, NFRcy).Offset(iy, 0).Value = cFv
Let iy = iy + 1
End If
Cells(NFRbr3, NFRcy).Clear
Next c
End If
Let iymax = iy - 1
Let yFs = Range(Cells(NFRsr, NFRcy), Cells(NFRsr + iymax,
For Each yF In Range(yFs)
yF.Value = Right(yF.Value, Len(yF.Value) - 1)

Application.StatusBar = "Creating the Number Format Report: Listing
Unused Formats"
Let ix = 0
For Each aF In Range(aFs)
Let Usage = "Unused"
For Each yF In Range(yFs)
If yF.NumberFormatLocal = aF.NumberFormatLocal Then Let
Usage = "Used"
If Usage = "Unused" Then
Cells(NFRsr, NFRcx).Offset(ix, 0).NumberFormatLocal =
Cells(NFRsr, NFRcx).Offset(ix, 0).Value = aF.Value
ix = ix + 1
End If
Let ixmax = ix - 1
Let xFs = Range(Cells(NFRsr, NFRcx), Cells(NFRsr + ixmax,

Application.StatusBar = "Formatting the Number Format Report"
With Range(Cells(NFRtr, NFRca), Cells(NFRtr, NFRcx))
.Font.Size = 12
.Font.ColorIndex = 11
.Font.Bold = True
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenterAcrossSelection
End With
Cells(NFRhr, NFRca).Interior.ColorIndex = NFRaCI
Range(aFs).Font.ColorIndex = NFRaCI
Cells(NFRhr, NFRcy).Interior.ColorIndex = NFRyCI
Range(yFs).Font.ColorIndex = NFRyCI
Cells(NFRhr, NFRcx).Interior.ColorIndex = NFRxCI
Range(xFs).Font.ColorIndex = NFRxCI
Range(Cells(NFRhr, NFRca), Cells(NFRhr,
Range(Cells(NFRsr, NFRca), Cells(NFRer,
Columns(NFRbc1).ColumnWidth = 4
Columns(NFRbc2).ColumnWidth = 2
Columns(NFRbc3).ColumnWidth = 2
Columns(NFRbc4).ColumnWidth = 4
Rows(NFRbr2).RowHeight = 5
Rows(NFRbr3).RowHeight = 5
ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
Range(Cells(NFRhr, NFRbc1), Cells(NFRhr, NFRbc4)).Select
ActiveWindow.Zoom = True
Cells(1, 1).Select

Application.StatusBar = False
Let Finish = Now
' MsgBox Format(((Finish - Start) * 86400), "#,##0.00 seconds"),
vbOKOnly + vbInFion, "Time Taken"
Exit Sub

Let Line01 = "An Error has occured" & vbLf
Let Line02 = vbLf & "The " & NFRn & " has not been completed"
MsgBox Line01 & Line02, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, NFTmbt
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.StatusBar = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Sub NFRfh(Optional HideMacro As Bool

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