too many arguments to 'Public Sub New()'


Allan Ebdrup

I have the following class in C# with two constructors
public class JobfolderEmailRecord
public JobfolderEmailRecord(int Id)
//code for constructor
public JobfolderEmailRecord(EmailTypeEnum EmailType, string strReference,
int intDepartmentId, int intJobfolderId, string strSubject, string
strRecipientEmail, string strRecipientName, string strSenderEmail, string
//code for constructor
//more code for class

I reference and Import the dll from a ASP.Net project written in VB.Net

When I call JobfolderEmailRecords constructor i get the error:
"too many arguments to 'Public Sub New()'"

It seemt the VB.Net code can't see the constructor signatures, VB.Net only
sees a constructor with no arguments, but I don't even have such a
constructor. The funny thing is that all other method calls to the class
seem to parse just fine, and the code that produces the error used to work
before I recompiled the dll containing the JobfolderEmailRecord class.

I've tried to unload and reload the project but it doesn't help.

Can anyone help?

Kind Regards,
Allan Ebdrup

Allan Ebdrup

Figured it out, my webservice was named the same as my object so I was
trying to new the webservice, including the entire namespace path to my
class when newing it solved the problem.

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