Too Few Paremeters - Error 3061



When I run the following code I get and error 3061 'Too few parameters.
Expected 1.' The code stops on the line stared below. How can I fix it?

Public Sub GetSOWNumber(Project As String)

SQLStatement = "SELECT tblSWONumber.* FROM tblSWONumber " _
& "WHERE (((tblSWONumber.Project)=" & Project & "));"

Set TheDB = CurrentDb
Set SourceRS = TheDB.OpenRecordset(SQLStatement, dbOpenDynaset,
dbSeeChanges) '*Error code stops here*

SOWNumber = SourceRS![SOWNum]
With SourceRS
!SOWNum = SOWNumber + 1
!NDate = Date
.Bookmark = .LastModified
End With

End Sub


If your field Project is a string, try:

SQLStatement = "SELECT tblSWONumber.* FROM tblSWONumber " _
& "WHERE (((tblSWONumber.Project)='" & Project & "'));"

Just a single quote (') after the equal (=) sign and another single quote in

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