tons of microsoft e-mails



i have recieved tons of e-mail messages claiming to be
critical security updates from microsoft yet microsoft
does not issue critical security updates by e-mail. I just
toss them. If I want to check for true updates i go to:

Most of the time the option is available to download the
update seperate from the MS update site but then you take
the risk of it not being recorded and when you visit the
update site it will not see that you have downloaded an
update already. I record these seperate updates in a
specific folder.
The MS update privacy contract may be long winded but
really all it does when checking your PC is read a few
files, your update history and system configuration. Not
your win.ini or your internet.ini folders that I know of.


Don't know really..maybe to cut down on all the questions
posted related to that..

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