Toggle Buttons with Text



I have hunted around and figured out how to have a toggle button display a
text message on it when it is initially clicked on.

ie. The button is blank uppon opening a form
The button says "YES" on it when it is clicked once,
The button says "NO" on it when clicked again.

What I would like to figure out is how to have that text appear without
having to click the button.
For example, if a form was opened and a button clicked to say YES and then
the form was re-opened, I would like to button to aknowledge that it has
already been set, and have it Display its "clicked" message = "YES"

How would I go about doing this?


If I understand you correctly, you want to save the caption of a button
as long as the database remains open. If that is the case, you can use
a Public variable in a Module.

For example:
Public GlobalVariable_btn1Status As Byte

Then on your form, test for the status of this variable in the On Load
event, like this:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Select Case GlobalVariable_btn1Status
Case 0
btn1.Caption = ""
Case 1
btn1.Caption = "Yes"
Case 2
btn1.Caption = "No"
End Select
End Sub

Similarly in the On Click event check the status and then change it,
like this:
Private Sub btn1_Click()
Select Case GlobalVariable_btn1Status
Case 0
btn1.Caption = "Yes"
GlobalVariable_btn1Status = 1
Case 1
btn1.Caption = "No"
GlobalVariable_btn1Status = 2
Case 2
btn1.Caption = "Yes"
GlobalVariable_btn1Status = 1
End Select
End Sub

The value of the Public variable will not be saved when the database
closes. If you want to retain the value, you could use a field in the
first record of a table instead of a Public variable.


It's easiest to use a global variable or set( ) and get( ) functions in a
standard module, but if your organization has an aversion to globals (as many
do), then you could use static variables.

In order to have the toggle button blank the first time the form is opened
and "remember" its previous state the next time the form is opened, even if
the state never changed, you'll need to add some code to the form's OnOpen( )
event, OnClose( ) event, a procedure in the form, and two public functions in
a standard module. In the standard module, try:

Public Function isNotFirstTime(fNotChanged As Boolean) As Boolean
Static fNotFirstTime As Boolean

If (Not (fNotFirstTime)) Then
isNotFirstTime = False
fNotFirstTime = True ' Set for next time.
isNotFirstTime = True
End If

If (fNotChanged) Then ' Reset for next form opening if
fNotFirstTime = False ' caption wasn't changed.
End If
End Function

Public Function getBtnState(fUsePrev As Boolean) As Boolean
Static fState As Boolean

If (Not (fUsePrev)) Then
fState = Not (fState)
End If
getBtnState = fState
End Function

In the form's module, try:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If (isNotFirstTime(False)) Then
Call toggle(True)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub ToggleBtn_Click()
Call toggle(False)
End Sub

Private Sub toggle(fUsePrev As Boolean)
If (getBtnState(fUsePrev)) Then
Me!ToggleBtn.Caption = "Yes"
Me!ToggleBtn.Caption = "No"
End If
End Sub ' toggle( )

Private Sub Form_Close()
If (Len(Me!ToggleBtn.Caption) = 0) Then
Call isNotFirstTime(True)
End If
End Sub

.. . . where ToggleBtn is the name of the button.


See for all your database needs.
See for Microsoft Access tips.

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