To reconise text or number



Hello from Steved

4284 640 "Both worksheets have the same information in both columns

Ok whats my issue
I import A "Oracle file" into my spreadsheet the below formula is not
working, now if I copy "4284 and "640" into the imported worksheet it works.
I know "+0" sees text and treats it as a number, my question is their
something similar please.


Tim Zych

You might need to "scrub" the imported data. After the import you can run
this macro to clean things up a bit, and then formulas should be more

Activate the imported-data sheet first...

Sub CleanData()
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Cells
cell.Value = cell.Value
' Or optionally trim fixed-length strings
' cell.Value = Trim(cell.Value)
End Sub

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