to add data continuously and the chart adding new lines automaticly

Aug 17, 2008
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I have a diagram/chart and the data being continuously added to the table by adding a new line with the data. Today I go manually and and change the data source so the diagram add the new data...

I would like to diagram add these entries automatically to the diagram everytime I add a new line to the table. How do I do that... ??? Can Excel do that at all??? Many thanx for you guys!!!
Apr 29, 2008
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This page tells you how to do this:
I would add that you can avoid using a dynamic named range if you use a static named range and convert it into a list (select it and press Ctrl + L). Then whenever you add an entry to the end of the list the range automatically gets expanded to include the new entry. However as in that page the named range must be local to the sheet (i.e. its name must start with the sheet name)

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