To 2x or 1x that is the Q...



Not knowing where to begin.... no particular order...

1) What does a web hosting company need to have installed so that I can host
pages developed in the newer version of .aspNet?

2) I seem to use a fair amount of user controls, menu header (XML based) and a
datagrid pages that provide consistant yet dynamic columns throughout the web

My main page(s) makes calls the specific user controls to better control &
maintain viewstate.

In 1x, I've used a page format where the main page has a begin form and table
and the footer uc has the closing tags, between resides the uc.

This works well, but is ugly in html view because of the IDE's red squiggly
lines warning me that the html is not well formed.

I know that in 2x there are Master Pages (MP) to solve this issue:

Opinions: Are MP's the way to go?

Can anyone rate the learning curve?

What needs to be configured or installed at the web hosting company to use 2x &
Master Pages?

3) Any other useful info is appreciated....



Steve C. Orr [MVP, MCSD]

The web host needs to support ASP.NET 2.0. More specifically, they must
have the .NET framework version 2.0 installed.

Yes, Master Pages are a great solution for the user control problem you
describe. You'll also want to look into the SiteMap functionality of
ASP.NET 2.0 to help give consistent menus via XML.

Here's more info:


Steve, TFYP

The web host only notes that they support Vis InterDev 6x and FrontPage Ext.
2000 & 20002.

What do I need to ask and/or check to be sure?



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