Timesheets - calculations with hours



There have been many posts on this subject but I cannot find one which
answers this question:

I have a (Office XP) spreadsheet which records an employee's working time.
Our company operates flexi-time and employees have to work an average of 7:20
per day. On days when they work longer than that, there is a positive
adjustment to their running flexi-time balance. On days when when they work
less, there is a negative adjustment. The flexi-time balance itself can be
either positive or negative (within certain limits).

My sheet FUNCTIONS perfectly but will not DISPLAY any negative values,
either for the daily adjustments or the running balance. In such cases, the
cell is filled with "#######" so that the employee cannot see the real value.

Anyone know how to make Excel display the negative time values which it is
(apparently) storing correctly?

Grateful for any suggestions,

Bob Phillips

You could do one of two things

1. Change to the 1904 date system, Tools>Options>Calculation>1904 date
system, but be ware that this might affect other formulae

2. Adjust the formula such that it test if it will go negative, and then
reverse the sign, and hold a value in say another column that states it is


Bob Phillips

(remove xxx from email address if mailing direct)



Fantastic! Many thanks!

Having read about the two date systems in Excel's Help, I do not understand
why this works but I don't need to! My sheet now works fine and the change
has not updet any other calculations.

Thanks again,

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