Timer in its own thread




I'm trying to build a small lap timer app.
A timer would be used for the general race timing.
A timer would be used for the general race remaining timing.
A timer for lap timing.
A timer for pitstop timing.

As every pit stop requires some data logging, I think I'll want to use the lap timer and the pit timer in their own threads... a challenge.
Unable to use a timer in a new thread.

Would someone have any tip ?

PS : The same app in VB6 makes my general timer be 25 minutes late on the PC clock after a 24 hours race...




Are you using external triggers?
What time resolution do you need, 0.5 seconds or 1millisecond?

You can use the high performance counter to get microsecond time, but
triggering it from the keyboard or mouse is where you'll lose your

There isn't any reason why you can't do this in VB6.


I need 1 sec accuracy.
Keyboard is the trigger.

As I told you, running 4 timers, I/O operations after pit stop timer makes
me lose 25 minute on a 24 H race.


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