Timed Database auto maintenance


King Coffee


I have an ASP.NET database supported website. I want to perform an
automatically generate database update.

Any and all code snippet or reference is greatly appreciated.

Thanks very much,
King Coffee

Alexey Smirnov


I have an ASP.NET database supported website. I want to perform an
automatically generate database update.

Any and all code snippet or reference is greatly appreciated.

Thanks very much,
King Coffee

Can you please be more specific about your database and what you mean
by "update"? Thanks

King Coffee

Thanks Alexey,

I'm thinking of the MySQL .NET database. The period update is to insert new
default info in tables and delete expired table records.


King Coffee

Hi again,

Basically, I want to run an application level function (a session less
thread) to process an ADO.NET database calls to periodically insert a
default table record and remove expired data. Have any code examples?


Alexey Smirnov

Hi again,

Basically, I want to run an application level function (a session less
thread) to process an ADO.NET database calls to periodically insert a
default table record and remove expired data.  Have any code examples?


Well, it would depend on your server, but you can either use standard
Windows scheduler or write a Windows service to call an application or
a single web page every X minutes. If this is not possible, then you
can look at custom solutions like here: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/ASPNETService.aspx

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