Time lapse calculations



How do I calculate the time lapse for business days only (excluding weekends
& holidays)? For example, how do I calculate the time difference from
5/11/06 10:32
to 5/16/06 14:45? The weekend 5/20-5/21 would need to be excluded. Any
help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Tim Ferguson

5/11/06 10:32 to 5/16/06 14:45?

diffInDays = #2006-05-16 14:45# - #2006-05-11 10:32#

diffInMinutes = diffInDays * 24 * 60
The weekend 5/20-5/21 would need to be excluded.

Inadequate definition. I guess you don't just mean subtract 48 hours;
what about holidays etc; do you really want office hours; etc etc?

There are various custom functions around -- try googling something like
"MS Access workdays datediff" or go straight to the Oracle:


Hope that helps

Tim F

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