Time Entry



Is there a way to convert a time interval to show coverage for 15 min

For example:
9am -11am would look like this:
A1: 9 - 9:15 A2: 1
B1: 9:15-9:30 B2: 1
C1: 9:30-9:45 C2:1
D1: 9:45-10 D2:1
E1: 10:10:15 E2:1
F1: 10:15-10:30 F2:1
G1: 10:30-10:45 G2:1
H1: 10:45-11 H2:1

I am trying to break down shift coverage into 15 minute slots. I'd like to
be able to enter the coverage time and then have the spreadsheet show how
many people would work on that 15 min spot.

Thanks in advance.


In A1 enter:
=TEXT(TIME(9,15*(COLUMN()-1),0),"hh:mm") & "-" &

and copy across


I didn't phrase my question correctly... I have all the time intervals
manually entered in A1 through A60. Is there a way to enter a work shift in
a cell and then have that show up as coverage in cells C1 - C60? For
instance: if I have a person working from 9am - 10am, then they will show up
as 1 in the 9-9:15, 9:15 - 9:30, 9:30-9:45, and 9:45 - 10 cells in C1 - C4.
And furthermore if I wanted to add extra shifts, could I have column C take
all shifts and add them up?

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