Time and Date Stamping to File

  • Thread starter Brendan Crisler
  • Start date

Brendan Crisler

I need to find a way to append a time and date stamp onto
a file. I want to be able to script this in an MS-DOS
command target in the Startup folder. Basically, I want
to start a program when windows starts, and I want this
program to capture information and send it to a newly
created text file. I need this text file to be unique
every time the target command is run and that is why I
want the time and date stamps to be appended to it.

I know it can be done on a linux or unix based machine and
I know the scripting for that, but I have not found a way
to do it in DOS.

I would appreciate any help.


Torgeir Bakken \(MVP\)

Brendan said:
I need to find a way to append a time and date stamp onto
a file. I want to be able to script this in an MS-DOS
command target in the Startup folder. Basically, I want
to start a program when windows starts, and I want this
program to capture information and send it to a newly
created text file. I need this text file to be unique
every time the target command is run and that is why I
want the time and date stamps to be appended to it.

One way is to from your batch file create a temporary vbscript
file and pick up the result, more here:

http://groups.google.co.uk/[email protected]


You can do it with "pure" batch file as well, using e.g the batch date
time functions from Ritchie Lawrence batch library available at


Here is one way. Use the parse function of the set command.

set MONTH=
set DAY=
set YEAR=
set HOUR=
set MIN=
set MONTH=%DATE:~4,2%
set DAY=%DATE:~7,2%
set YEAR=%DATE:~10,4%
set HOUR=%TIME:~0,2%
set MIN=%TIME:~3,2%

Now just put the variables together like.
dir c:\ >FilesOnCdrv-%YEAR%-%MONTH%-%DAY%-%HOUR%-%MIN%

Or you could make a new varilables for several

set datestmp=%YEAR%-%MONTH%-%DAY%-%HOUR%-%MIN%

and use it like this
dir c:\ >FilesOnCdrv-%datestmp%

Hope this helps.


Gary Smith

Why not omit the first five lines? They don't accomplish anything.

Stel said:
Here is one way. Use the parse function of the set command.
set MONTH=
set DAY=
set YEAR=
set HOUR=
set MIN=
set MONTH=%DATE:~4,2%
set DAY=%DATE:~7,2%
set YEAR=%DATE:~10,4%
set HOUR=%TIME:~0,2%
set MIN=%TIME:~3,2%
Now just put the variables together like.
dir c:\ >FilesOnCdrv-%YEAR%-%MONTH%-%DAY%-%HOUR%-%MIN%
Or you could make a new varilables for several
set datestmp=%YEAR%-%MONTH%-%DAY%-%HOUR%-%MIN%
and use it like this
dir c:\ >FilesOnCdrv-%datestmp%

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