time and date formula




Can someone help me with this one?

in Cell A1 I would like to have the current Time and date ( in that order)
returned if Cell B1 contains any data text or numbers in it. Otherwise I
would like Cell A1 to be blank if B1 is blank.

Thank You

Dave Peterson


Format A1 to include both the time and date:

hh:mm:ss mm/dd/yyyy


Thank You
that worked great, One problem is that i did not realize that it does not
stay the time originally entered.
If I enter data in b1 and hit return the current time is inserted ex 2100
but one minute later if I enter data somewhere else on the sheet, unrelated
the A1 cell, the time changes to 2101, how can I make it so that the current
time entered acts as a time stamp and does not change?

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