TIFF Group 4




Is it possible to show TIFF group 4 compressed images
with IE 6.0 ? If I use traditional way, the image is not
<img border="0" src="image002.tif" width="600"

How can I do that ?



Robert Aldwinckle

Is it possible to show TIFF group 4 compressed images
with IE 6.0 ?

Which OS?

One XP user (who wanted the restore the default associations)
found relief with Run... (e.g. press Win-R and enter:)

regsvr32 /i shimgvw.dll

Please note that the command restores the associations of more
image types than just .tif, so if you have some third-party programs
currently controlling those filetypes you may need to do whatever
it is that they need done to re-register them for themselves.

You may also find the following article relevant and useful.

<title>KB316537 - Blank Web Page with Placeholder Icon and You Cannot Save a File to Disk</title>

(MSKB Boolean search for
"image placeholder" AND kbie600search

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle

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