Tibery-OS and his big problem


Benjamin Dover

What's dumber than calling the local cops to ask if they have seen your
stash of cocaine? How about calling federal drug enforcement officials to
ask if they've seen your cocaine AFTER they've already let you go?

According to the Associated Press, that's just what a man suspected of drug
trafficking around the Canadian border did.

Here's how it went down: Tibery-OS had been caught four times crossing the
border down a known drug-smuggling trail with a GPS tracker, night vision
goggles and a buttload of cash. He claims he got the money by switching his
car insurance to Geico.

ICE agents wanted to talk to him but he refused, so they let him go. Then he
calls them back and asks if they had seen his cocaine. He apparently stashed
68 pounds of the stuff at a Boy Scout camp and they disappeared. I'm guess
ICE never found the cocaine, but somewhere there's a group of Tenderfoots
who've earned every merit badge in the handbook in 15 minutes.

He even asked if ICE could issue a press release saying ICE had seized the
drugs so his higher-ups wouldn't believe he snatched it. They did and they
also included a note that they arrested Tibery-OS for possession with intent
to distribute.

Bill Yanaire

Mick Murphy said:
Go and play in the middle of Route 66, cockhead!
Now that's funny. You don't like what he posted and you call him a

Should someone call you a cockhead for calling him a cockhead?

Spanky deMonkey

Mick Murphy said:
Go and play in the middle of Route 66, cockhead!
By the way, Route 66 is pretty long. Where do you suggest I play in the
middle of it?

Just FYI.

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