Threadstate == not in the enumeration



Hi, I have a couple of threads each one is running inside a class that is
basically a wrapper around the thread with some additional methods.
It all seems to hang together pretty good but for some reason I am now
getting a ThreadState of 96 for one of the threads.
Ok, I can handle checking for it but I cannot get it out of ThreadState 96.

An Abort() says thread is suspended and throws an exception.
Resume() leaves the ThreadState at 96
Interrupt() leaves the ThreadState at 96

Can anyone tell me what ThreadState 96 is, how it got to be like that and
how the heck to get it out of it?


Alan Pretre

nevin said:
Can anyone tell me what ThreadState 96 is

These are the threadstate values. They are bit values. 96=0x0060 so you
are in Suspended+WaitSleepJoin.

Running = 0x0000
StopRequested = 0x0001
SuspendRequested = 0x0002
Background = 0x0004
Unstarted = 0x0008
Stopped = 0x0010
WaitSleepJoin = 0x0020
Suspended = 0x0040
AbortRequested = 0x0080
Aborted = 0x0100

-- Alan

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