Threading with an object and Session

  • Thread starter Gavin Lyons via .NET 247
  • Start date

Gavin Lyons via .NET 247


I'm writing a newsletter application which uses backgroundthreading. I'm using Session variable to report on progresswhile it loops through a dataset. The 'Status.aspx' pagerefreshes every 5 seconds while outputing the Session variables.My problem is, once the page redirects to 'Status.aspx' its showthe that's it only gets half through the dataset. If I increaseThread.Sleep to 2000 goes all the way through. I don't get anyerror message, it's like the MailObj disappears once the pageredirects. Do I need to use something like Context.Items.Add ?

Any ideas would be great:)

Gavin Lyons

private void Send_Click(object sender,System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs e)
if (Subject.Text!="")
string SQLString = "SELECT * FROM Members";
i386.Newsletter.mailer MailObj = new mailer();
MailObj.SMTPhost = "";
MailObj.From = From.SelectedValue;
MailObj.Body = Body();
MailObj.Sessions = true;
MailObj.EmailAddressField = "UserID";
MailObj.EmailNameField = "<!--FirstName--> <!--LastName-->";
MailObj.DataSet = i386.DatabaseSystem.GetDataSet(SQLString,"WebConfigDatabaseConnection");
MailObj.WebContext =(System.Web.HttpContext)Session["WebContext"];

Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(MailObj.Send));
thread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;
Response.Redirect("status.aspx", true);

Label_Message.Text="Missing data!";


public class mailer
private string _SMTPhost="localhost";
private string _Body="";
private string _From="";
private string _FromName="";
private string _Subject="";
private string _DatabaseConnection;
private string _EmailAddressField;
private string _EmailNameField;
private System.Web.HttpContext _WebContext;
private DataSet _DataSet;
private bool _Sessions=true;
public string SMTPhost
get {return _SMTPhost;}
set {_SMTPhost=value;}
public string EmailNameField
get {return _EmailNameField;}
set {_EmailNameField=value;}
public string EmailAddressField
get {return _EmailAddressField;}
set {_EmailAddressField=value;}
public string Body
get {return _Body;}
set {_Body=value;}
public string Subject
get {return _Subject;}
set {_Subject=value;}
public string From
get {return _From;}
set {_From=value;}
public string FromName
get {return _FromName;}
set {_FromName=value;}
public bool Sessions
get {return _Sessions;}
set {_Sessions=value;}
public DataSet DataSet
set {_DataSet=value;}
get {return _DataSet;}
public System.Web.HttpContext WebContext
set {_WebContext=value;}
get {return _WebContext;}
private string ReplaceFields(DataRow DR, string String)
string ReplStr = String;
foreach (DataColumn Column in DR.Table.Columns)
ReplStr = ReplStr.Replace("<!--" + Column.ToString() + "-->",DR[Column.ToString()].ToString());
return ReplStr;
public void Send()
#region Initialise Sessions
if (this.Sessions)
lock(WebContext.Session.SyncRoot )//lock the session object
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // for reporting

WebContext.Session["StatusLine"] = "Retrieving data tosend ..";
WebContext.Session["EmailReport"] = sb;
WebContext.Session["EmailCounter"] = "0";
WebContext.Session["TotalEmailsToSend"] =0;
WebContext.Session["Done"] = "false";
WebContext.Session["TotalEmailsToSend"] =this.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString();
WebContext.Response.Write("Retrieving data to send ..");
// Newsletter Merging
int startAt = Environment.TickCount;
int EmailCounter = 0;
bool TestMode = true;
foreach (DataRow DR in this.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
#region loop sending

// SMTP stmpobj = new SMTP(this.SMTPhost);
// EmailMessage emailmsg = new EmailMessage();

string BodyForEmail = ReplaceFields(DR, this.Body);
string ToForEmail = DR[this.EmailAddressField].ToString();
string ToNameForEmail = ReplaceFields(DR,this.EmailNameField);
string SubjectForEmail = ReplaceFields(DR, this.Subject);

if (this.Sessions)
lock(WebContext.Session.SyncRoot )
WebContext.Session[ "StatusLine" ] = "Processing " +ToForEmail;
if (!TestMode)

WebContext.Response.Write("Sending to "+ ToForEmail + "("+ ToNameForEmail + ") " + WebContext.Session[ "StatusLine"].ToString() + "<br/>");
if (this.Sessions)
{ // Reporting
((StringBuilder)WebContext.Session["EmailReport"]).Append(EmailCounter+ "," + DR["UserID"].ToString() +
", " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ", Successful<BR>" );//Reporting
catch (Exception ErrorMsg)
if (this.Sessions)
{ // Reporting
((StringBuilder)WebContext.Session["EmailReport"]).Append(EmailCounter+ "," + DR["UserID"].ToString() +
", " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ", Failed:" +ErrorMsg.Message + "<BR>" );
if (this.Sessions)
WebContext.Session[ "EmailCounter" ] = EmailCounter;
#region Sessions Final Values
if (this.Sessions)
lock( WebContext.Session.SyncRoot )
int ms = Environment.TickCount - startAt;
int seconds = ms/1000;
WebContext.Session[ "SecondsForMailMerge" ] =seconds.ToString();
WebContext.Session["Done"] = true;
WebContext.Session["StatusLine"] = "NewsletterCompleted!";
// this.DataSet.Dispose();
catch (Exception ex)
#region Session Report with Error
if (this.Sessions)
lock(WebContext.Session.SyncRoot )
WebContext.Session["MailMergeException"] = ex;
WebContext.Response.Write("Mailer Error:" + ex.Message);

David Browne

A background thread should not access the HttpContext or the Request. Both
of these are invalid once the page is done processing. Have the background
thread post the mail body directly to the session, or to some other global
scope. A subsequent request can then discover and use it.



I'm writing a newsletter application which uses background threading. I'm
using Session variable to report on progress while it loops through a
dataset. The 'Status.aspx' page refreshes every 5 seconds while outputing
the Session variables. My problem is, once the page redirects to
'Status.aspx' its show the that's it only gets half through the dataset. If
I increase Thread.Sleep to 2000 goes all the way through. I don't get any
error message, it's like the MailObj disappears once the page redirects. Do
I need to use something like Context.Items.Add ?

Any ideas would be great:)

Gavin Lyons

private void Send_Click(object sender, System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs e)
if (Subject.Text!="")
string SQLString = "SELECT * FROM Members";
i386.Newsletter.mailer MailObj = new mailer();
MailObj.SMTPhost = "";
MailObj.From = From.SelectedValue;
MailObj.Body = Body();
MailObj.Sessions = true;
MailObj.EmailAddressField = "UserID";
MailObj.EmailNameField = "<!--FirstName--> <!--LastName-->";
MailObj.DataSet = i386.DatabaseSystem.GetDataSet(SQLString,
MailObj.WebContext = (System.Web.HttpContext)Session["WebContext"];

Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(MailObj.Send));
thread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;
Response.Redirect("status.aspx", true);

Label_Message.Text="Missing data!";


public class mailer
private string _SMTPhost="localhost";
private string _Body="";
private string _From="";
private string _FromName="";
private string _Subject="";
private string _DatabaseConnection;
private string _EmailAddressField;
private string _EmailNameField;
private System.Web.HttpContext _WebContext;
private DataSet _DataSet;
private bool _Sessions=true;
public string SMTPhost
get {return _SMTPhost;}
set {_SMTPhost=value;}
public string EmailNameField
get {return _EmailNameField;}
set {_EmailNameField=value;}
public string EmailAddressField
get {return _EmailAddressField;}
set {_EmailAddressField=value;}
public string Body
get {return _Body;}
set {_Body=value;}
public string Subject
get {return _Subject;}
set {_Subject=value;}
public string From
get {return _From;}
set {_From=value;}
public string FromName
get {return _FromName;}
set {_FromName=value;}
public bool Sessions
get {return _Sessions;}
set {_Sessions=value;}
public DataSet DataSet
set {_DataSet=value;}
get {return _DataSet;}
public System.Web.HttpContext WebContext
set {_WebContext=value;}
get {return _WebContext;}
private string ReplaceFields(DataRow DR, string String)
string ReplStr = String;
foreach (DataColumn Column in DR.Table.Columns)
ReplStr = ReplStr.Replace("<!--" + Column.ToString() + "-->",
return ReplStr;
public void Send()
#region Initialise Sessions
if (this.Sessions)
lock(WebContext.Session.SyncRoot )//lock the session object
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // for reporting

WebContext.Session["StatusLine"] = "Retrieving data to send ..";
WebContext.Session["EmailReport"] = sb;
WebContext.Session["EmailCounter"] = "0";
WebContext.Session["TotalEmailsToSend"] =0;
WebContext.Session["Done"] = "false";
WebContext.Session["TotalEmailsToSend"] =
WebContext.Response.Write("Retrieving data to send ..");
// Newsletter Merging
int startAt = Environment.TickCount;
int EmailCounter = 0;
bool TestMode = true;
foreach (DataRow DR in this.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
#region loop sending

// SMTP stmpobj = new SMTP(this.SMTPhost);
// EmailMessage emailmsg = new EmailMessage();

string BodyForEmail = ReplaceFields(DR, this.Body);
string ToForEmail = DR[this.EmailAddressField].ToString();
string ToNameForEmail = ReplaceFields(DR, this.EmailNameField);
string SubjectForEmail = ReplaceFields(DR, this.Subject);

if (this.Sessions)
lock(WebContext.Session.SyncRoot )
WebContext.Session[ "StatusLine" ] = "Processing " + ToForEmail;
if (!TestMode)

WebContext.Response.Write("Sending to "+ ToForEmail + "(" + ToNameForEmail +
") " + WebContext.Session[ "StatusLine" ].ToString() + "<br/>");
if (this.Sessions)
{ // Reporting
((StringBuilder)WebContext.Session["EmailReport"]).Append(EmailCounter+ ","
+ DR["UserID"].ToString() +
", " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ", Successful<BR>" );// Reporting
catch (Exception ErrorMsg)
if (this.Sessions)
{ // Reporting
((StringBuilder)WebContext.Session["EmailReport"]).Append(EmailCounter+ ","
+ DR["UserID"].ToString() +
", " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ", Failed:" + ErrorMsg.Message + "<BR>" );
if (this.Sessions)
WebContext.Session[ "EmailCounter" ] = EmailCounter;
#region Sessions Final Values
if (this.Sessions)
lock( WebContext.Session.SyncRoot )
int ms = Environment.TickCount - startAt;
int seconds = ms/1000;
WebContext.Session[ "SecondsForMailMerge" ] = seconds.ToString();
WebContext.Session["Done"] = true;
WebContext.Session["StatusLine"] = "Newsletter Completed!";
// this.DataSet.Dispose();
catch (Exception ex)
#region Session Report with Error
if (this.Sessions)
lock(WebContext.Session.SyncRoot )
WebContext.Session["MailMergeException"] = ex;
WebContext.Response.Write("Mailer Error:" + ex.Message);


If you need to do the operation asyncronusly then take all the data of
the request and session, populate an object then put this object on a
message queue

Have another application read messages of the queue and process them