Thread was being aborted



Any Idea why we get this error, its happening in only one page and that too
first time user visits that page,in the below "GetData" is a method which
gets the data from SQL Server, but some times it is taking time to get data
and throwing this error i think it has to throw "Timed Out" instead of this
"Thread Abort" error. any idea why we get this error?
Exception Type: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException
ExceptionState: System.Web.HttpApplication+CancelModuleException
Message: Thread was being aborted.
TargetSite: System.Data.DataSet GetData(RPID,


Unless you post the full code around where the error happens, then I can
only guess. One common cause for this error is that you have a
Response.Redirect statement enclosed within a try...catch


By default SQL Command has 30 second to finish.
If it did not finish then it's aborted.

Look at Command.CommandTimeout value and increase it.


Any Idea why we get this error, its happening in only one page and that too
first time user visits that page,in the below "GetData" is a method which
gets the data from SQL Server, but some times it is taking time to get data
and throwing this error i think it has to throw "Timed Out" instead of this
"Thread Abort" error. any idea why we get this error?
Exception Type: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException
ExceptionState: System.Web.HttpApplication+CancelModuleException
Message: Thread was being aborted.
TargetSite: System.Data.DataSet GetData(RPID,

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