This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is to complex to be ev




I have created a report with a subreport. I have tested each report
individually and they run fine. The queries they are created from also run
fine. When I add one to the other as a sub report in a group footer, and link
the employee number and the pay period number, it generates the following

This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated.
For example, a numeric expression may contain too may complicated elements.
Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the express to variables.

I have checked and double checked and the fields are the same types each are
a "text" formatted exactly the same way.

It is driving me bannanas any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Allen Browne

There are several places where this problem could be, so we need to
eliminate each in turn until we find the culprit.

a) Linking
Open the main report in design view.
Right-click the edge of the subreport control, and choose Properties.
On the Data tab of the Properties box, what do you see beside these:
Link Child Fields
Link Master Fields

Tell us about these fields.
Are they Text type fields in a table?
Are they calculated fields in a query?
Are they text boxes bound to an expression (starts with "=")?

If you delete these entries, does the report work correctly? (It will
generate the wrong results, but it would help to know if the problem is with
these, or with another reference.)

b) Calculated controls
Are there any calculated controls on the report or subreport (i.e. Control
Source starts with "=")? Does clearing the Control Source from all these
controls solve the problem? (Particularly, and reference to
"=Reports!MyReport!..." will fail in the subreport.)

c) Grouping
What is in the Sorting And Grouping dialog of each report?

d) Calculated query fields
Access may be misunderstanding these. Details:
Calculated fields misinterpreted

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