There is no pst file



Ok, so i got an email that I couldnt open (day 1), then my junk mail wouldnt
open (day 2) now outlook wont open (day 3). Did two scans and no virsus was
found. Everything I found wants me to repair the pst file, but there is
none. (All files are unhidden) What do I do if there is no pst file to

Pat Willener

What is your Outlook version?
What is your account type?
What do you see in Control Panel | Mail | Data Files?


Outlook 2007
I dont know what you mean my acount type
It shows up in the data files...

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

It shows up in the data files...

If it shows in the Data File Management dialogue, then it must be on your
disk. You must be mistaken that all files are unhidden. Open Windows
Explorer and enter into the Address field the exact path you see in Outlook's
Data Files Management dialogue (minus the PST itself, of course). Click Go.
I'd bet nearly anything that you'll see the PST.



Diane Poremsky said:
What account type? Outlook connector (hotmail/msn) and classic exchange
server won't have pst files. IMAP will, but its probably better to delete
the pst file and let it sync again.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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Kelly said:
Ok, so i got an email that I couldnt open (day 1), then my junk mail
open (day 2) now outlook wont open (day 3). Did two scans and no virsus
found. Everything I found wants me to repair the pst file, but there is
none. (All files are unhidden) What do I do if there is no pst file to

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